新生可到学校 (九月到六月上课日期间或七月夏令营期间) 报名。八月休假




 - 请携带有效安省保健卡报名登记

- 中学生需要同时携带学生证或高中成绩单


New Students can register at our school during our regular school days from September to June and during our summer camp in July.  We are closed in August. (Please call 519-495-8688 or email info@londonchineseschool.com for more details)

Elementary students can register throughout the year.

High School students last day of registration for 2014/15 school year is September 26th.

-Please bring valid Ontario Heath Card for registration

- High School students require both Heath card and document to prove high school status (such as Student Card or High School transcript etc)